I have no idea why every month i have to be sick.. I'm kinda tired every month sick.. When i start to sick, malcom  will always warning me to drink a lots of water, can't eat this, can't eat that, stay at home, no need to go to college and everything. But I never listen to his advised before. Sometimes I can be stubborn and sometimes not, but most of the time I'm very stubborn with him. I know it's not good to treat him like that, cause some of my close friends, aunties and cousin said that if to stubborn with the boyfriend. The boyfriend will easy bored with you.  Is that true?? 

          What I can say about him is that, he is the greatest boyfriend i ever had. His to kind with me, cares a lot about me and most of all he is to precious to let go, cause it is hard to find a good and caring guy like him in this world.


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