
I'm not so sure if i know him well actually.

What i can just talk about him is that he is a nice person.

Very kind to people.

Romantic person.

Caring person and more.

That is only half of it.

But since I started date with him.

What i realize about  him is that went his t-shirt gets dirty.

He will really get angry cause he doesn't like his t-shirt to get dirty.

And his mum ever told me that he never likes to go out if there is a wedding function at 

his village.

The reason he doesn't like to go is because that he don't want to get drunk.

He doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. 

Really hard to get boyfriend that are not smoking or even drink.

And went comes to food. 

He is really a choosy person actually.

If cook the dish that he doesn't like, he will not eat it or maybe he will cook other food for 


His favourite colours are blue ( ocean ) and green ( nature )

His favourite sports are karate.

Things that he loves to do as a collection are shoes.

His the only family member that know how to keep his things properly.

And sometimes he will forget where he put his keys for his car and his drawer cloths key.

If he can't find it.

He will keep on searching until he gets it.

only 20 years old already forget where he kept his things.

Thats all about him for now.


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