Sometimes I feel hurt when I feel that you are trying to hide something from me.
And I wonder why??
But now I'm not going to care what you gonna do or even where you gonna go..
t's none of my business already..
You wanna look for other girls then it's up to you.
Why you always wanna make me mad at you??
I really hate it when we start to get fight, argue on something and more.
I REALLY HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm not so sure if i know him well actually.

What i can just talk about him is that he is a nice person.

Very kind to people.

Romantic person.

Caring person and more.

That is only half of it.

But since I started date with him.

What i realize about  him is that went his t-shirt gets dirty.

He will really get angry cause he doesn't like his t-shirt to get dirty.

And his mum ever told me that he never likes to go out if there is a wedding function at 

his village.

The reason he doesn't like to go is because that he don't want to get drunk.

He doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. 

Really hard to get boyfriend that are not smoking or even drink.

And went comes to food. 

He is really a choosy person actually.

If cook the dish that he doesn't like, he will not eat it or maybe he will cook other food for 


His favourite colours are blue ( ocean ) and green ( nature )

His favourite sports are karate.

Things that he loves to do as a collection are shoes.

His the only family member that know how to keep his things properly.

And sometimes he will forget where he put his keys for his car and his drawer cloths key.

If he can't find it.

He will keep on searching until he gets it.

only 20 years old already forget where he kept his things.

Thats all about him for now.

This morning, i went to malcom's house. Just to visit him and the other family members.

But to bad that went I reach there, jimmy suddenly asked about his KFC only this. 

If only he can greet me a good morning, for sure I'll be in a good mood with him.

But he started to buli me and keep asking for his KFC only...

Last time, jimmy usually kind to me but since i always go to their house, he now dare to buli me 

already. Not fair this. 

I never buli him, but he dare to buli me already.....

And his Big brother also the same.

Buli me only till i cried this morning.





How i met him?? A lots of my friends were wondering how me and him can be together. Well I never expect to be with him also but the feeling suddenly pop up. I never realize that he was at the same class with me. Never heard of his name in the class before. I met him when i been together with one of his friends. At first met him, he was the annoying person that i know. his friends keep on asking him for advise, how to treat the girlfriend and more...

Then before the role play for CS1 start, his group were doing their practise at backpackers lodge there. So i went there to see their practise and also wanted to met him and asked him about his friends details. But then went met him, he said that he know nothing much about his friends also. Cause they were just met and not that close. So i was just giving up to know about his friends details again..

On my role play that day, this is the moment that i can't forget. when dewi and doris were doing my hair for the play. He was keep on staring at me and i was feel so weird about it. Then i told dewi that he was keep on staring at me, and dewi said to me that maybe he got feelings for you but i don't believe her cause i know that time he was with one the phillipines girls. So i don't want to interrupt other people relationship.

Suddenly, he wear Ian's blazer. He was so damn cute went he wear the blazer. Not just cute, he looks macho also. From there suddenly my feeling pop up this. I don't know why. Then i told doris and dewi that i had a weird  feelings for that guy, they were only smile at me until make me feel ashame this. So from that onwards, it's like i really shy wanna see him or even talk with him, but i try to talk with him confidently and see his face and pretent that I have no feelings for him. But went my role play was almost wanted to start, my group were being called to prepared already. I was getting even nervous that times until I almost forget my line what i should said, and went he saw me using a dress, he looks very suprise actually. I think he never saw a girl using dress i think.. 


Then he took a picture of me before  I came in. While I'm dancing also, he took some of my picture and went i started to talk or wanna acts serious in that role also I can't even concentrate actually but I try my very best to ignore him for a moment. So that I can be more alert with my line and others. After the role play ended, I was going to change my dress and he suddenly called me to come out and take picture with him for a while so i did came out and take some of the picture with him. Went he was near with me, i was suddenly nervous for no reason. I never feel that way with any guy before but with him totally different. 

When at night, I was refreshing back what had happen on that day and i share my memories with my sister. And she was keep on laughing went she heard my story. Then she said that he will SMS me at that time but I don't believe her, cause i know that he won't SMS with other gurls for no reason besides his girlfriend. Just for a few minutes, I received 1 new message then went i opened it, it was him. I was so happy that time and i was smiling at myself that time until my sister called me crazy. From that moment, i ignored my sister and only SMS with him. 

From the moment he started SMSing me, I was asking myself should I continue chatting with him went i knew that he already taken by someones. So i try and try to stop SMSing with him cause i don't want anything happen between him and his girlfriend but it's like something forcing me to keep on replying his message. On the second day after the role play, I didn't expect him to SMS me again but then around seven something ( i think), he SMS me and this time we chat about others like he was asking about what is my opinion about him and others. The next day, we were like express feelings but we were not that serius went we express feelings. Then went get longer SMSing with him, his getting even serius with his question that he asked me. But i just pretent that he was just playing me.

On the 4th day, we went to tanjung aru plaza with the twins and my sister. From there he was telling me that he was serius about what he asked me before, then he asked me if i trust him or not and i was just keep quit that time. The went tired walking around at tanjung aru plaza, we all heading back but he was going to terminal to take a bus home. When we heading to terminal, he asked me again what is my answer, and that time i was kind blurr actually. Then the twins and my sister at the back were acting to each other but actually they were waiting what is my answer, then he said that he will give me the time to think but if can he want to know the answer and from that moment i know what he was asking about. So i was not thinking too much and i just answer him yes. He was like don't believed that i answer yes to him, and from that moment he was happy and the twins and my sister were smiling at me and they congratez me that times.

Thats how me and him met actually. 



         I have no idea why every month i have to be sick.. I'm kinda tired every month sick.. When i start to sick, malcom  will always warning me to drink a lots of water, can't eat this, can't eat that, stay at home, no need to go to college and everything. But I never listen to his advised before. Sometimes I can be stubborn and sometimes not, but most of the time I'm very stubborn with him. I know it's not good to treat him like that, cause some of my close friends, aunties and cousin said that if to stubborn with the boyfriend. The boyfriend will easy bored with you.  Is that true?? 

          What I can say about him is that, he is the greatest boyfriend i ever had. His to kind with me, cares a lot about me and most of all he is to precious to let go, cause it is hard to find a good and caring guy like him in this world.

I still got 1 more week to finish the oragnization behavior assignment. This assignment really make me stress out, because i have no idea what to write about. There is not much infomation about motivation in the internet. Anyone out there... Help me with this assignment. It's make my head spinning, if anyone that can assistant me with this assignment. I would be gladly to accept it.. =)


General purpose: To demonstrate

Specific purpose: To demonstrate (learn how to dance, different dance moves)

Central idea: You can learn different kind of dance moves like salsa and hip hop dance.

Introduction: Today i will demonstrate about dance moves that i know.

Transition : Now i will tell a bit about dance where it came from.


1.  Here is a video of dance that i have recorded.

2. Explain about salsa dance and hip hop dance.

3 Show a demonstrate of salsa dance n hip hop dance.

    -  Gonna invites those audience to learn salsa dance.

Transition: It's a bit tired doing dancing but i hope all enjoy it.

Summary: Dance it's not hard to learn actually. If you love to dance then it's easy for you to 

                           learn other dance moves.  

Conclusion: Dance have many types Breakdancing and krumping are related to hip hop 

                               culture. Ballet, ballroom, waltz and tango are classical style of dance. Every dance 

                               no matter what style  has something in common.

Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacean order, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture. 
Since i was in high school, i never like to do account subject... Everytime account subject, i'll always find an excuse for not enter that class.. Cause i can't understand what the teacher teach although i sit beside the teacher also i still can't understand. But this time went i learn account with Mr. defiry, its like so easy only that subject.. i was regret for not doing a lot of excises for account went im having my big exam in SPM..