It was on last Saturday, 20th March. Me and my sis had a fight.
Actually this was not a big deal.
She was just asking if I can send her friends to Tanjung Aru or not.
Then I said to her, why they not just take the bus to Tanjung Aru cause I also need to send someone.
Then she was starting mad at me cause can't send her friends.
So I just ask her not to follow me and just take the bus go back home.
From there she starting to said bad things about me to her friends.
And she even black mail me.
So damn ANNOYING to have that kind of sister..
She feel that she is the boss, then whatever she want I can give.
She thinks I'm her driver that can send her friend to anywhere she wants.
She is taking advantage on me..
I prefer not to have driving lesen.

It's been a long time already that me and my siblings and cousins waiting for this time.
We keep on asking her, when she gonna get marry?
And the answer that she always gives are no guys want to marry her, but now my dad had told me and the others that my aunt Caroline is gonna marry this year.
They gonna engage this coming school holiday on may.
And get marry either on November or December.
Really can't wait for it.
Got new baby cousin.
Aunt Caroline is the youngest in the family.
She is my dad sister.
She always tell everything to my dad.
This planning to get engage and marry only my dad know.
The others haven't know yet..
Maybe soon she will bring her future husband meet my grandma and the others.