I can't wait for Christmas..
Every year of Christmas, me and my family will spend time together visiting our great grandma at papar and also my lovely grandma.....
In our family, we do a gift exchange..
There we get all different kind of gift where all my aunties when for their holidays at phillipines, australia, indonesia, thailand and more places..
from their holidays, they will always bought thing from there for their nieces and nephew...
after our exchange gift..
at my grandma, we will having our lunch together...
But my family can't stay to long there cause my family need to prepared open house party on the 26th december....
Lastly, I love christmas so much..
I have no idea why I can had a bad dream about my brother..
In my family, I'm more closer to my brother than my sister.
That was last time..
But now, I treat both of my brother and sister equally..
But in my dream last night..
My brother was in a car accident..
and when he was on the way to the hospital..
My brother already pass away when i reach to the hospital..
Then my dream start to blurr...
And when I woke up..
I was crying in the room...
I can let my brother go 1st..
although we always had a fight..
I still love my brother..
Not just him..
I love all my family members..
I don't want anything to happen to my family member...